Sophie Trettevick Indian Health Center provides health care services to eligible American Indians and Alaska Natives. New patients will complete an application process known as patient registration and provide required documents to establish their eligibility.
New Patient Packet Area
Know your eligibilityThe Benefits Coordinators at Sophie Trettevick Indian Health Center will review your registration packet and determine whether you are eligible for Direct Care Only (DCO), which means you are only eligible for services received at Sophie Trettevick Indian Health Center, or Purchased Referred Care (PRC), which means you are eligible to receive services at Sophie Trettevick Indian Health Center and/or be referred to an outside provider.
WHY DO I HAVE TO APPLY FOR ALTERNATE RESOURCES?This is required by Resolution Number 33-08 of the Makah Tribal Council. Approval of PRC payment for services is considered after all other Alternate Resources (AR) are applied. Any patient who has no alternate resources are required to apply for such alternate resources. The patients and clients of Sophie Trettevick Indian Health Center are also required to provide all any and all pertinent information about their alternate resources to the appropriate staff of the clinic.
Why do i have to update yearly?It is very important that your eligibility information remains current and you will be asked to verify your information at every visit. Please notify Sophie Trettevick Indian Health Center if your information changes (address, insurance coverage, phone number etc.) An eligibility form will need to be signed annually regardless of changes.
Does the update affect my eligibility?Yes, if Sophie Trettevick Indian Health Center does not have a current update on file your PRC eligibility can be terminated. This is done in order to satisfy IHS regulations and to protect the availability of financial resources. IHS is a primary source of funding for STIHC. To address shortfalls in Congressional funding, Sophie Trettevick Indian Health Center and other tribal, urban, and IHS programs must rely on alternate resources, such as private insurers, Medicare and Medicaid, to meet the level of need.
Medicaid, Medicare, Employer Sponsored Coverage, Private Insurance.
If you have questions regarding your eligibility, please contact our Benefits Coordinators at (360) 645-2935 Theanne Smith or (360) 645-3314 Riki Wachendorf.
If you have questions regarding your eligibility, please contact our Benefits Coordinators at (360) 645-2935 Theanne Smith or (360) 645-3314 Riki Wachendorf.
Our Mission is to build positive, compassionate and effective partnerships with all STIHC patients, community members, guests and employees, and through these partnerships to provide excellent healthcare and wellness services.
Our Vision is that all members of the Makah Nation and the community of Neah Bay are healthy and thriving in wellness.
Our Vision is that all members of the Makah Nation and the community of Neah Bay are healthy and thriving in wellness.