To watch the 7/27 EOC public briefing, click here. The Makah EOC has resumed weekly meetings. Neah Bay Data2 Active cases 15 cases total 2 households in quarantine Health Order 4-21 in in effect--Currently in Phase 4 --No masks needed for fully vaccinated humans, except in health care settings and public transportation --Limited personal visitors allowed; follow the process --We exceed the limits in the technical definitions for your safety Clallam County DataStill high risk at 4.6% 99 Active cases 93.3% of active cases were in unvaccinated humans Data shows increase in cases Washington DataRate of increase is slowing, even though there is a current increase in the number of cases Variants of ConcernVariant Alpha - 48 cases in Clallam County Variant Delta - 15 cases in Clallam County Variant Gamma - 4 cases in Clallam County Variants of Interest (not as serious as Variants of Concern)Variant Iota - 1 case in Clallam County Variant Epsilon - 5 Variant Iota - 1 cases in Clallam Vaccination Status in Neah BayTotal vaccines given by STIHC - 1 dose - 1123 Total vaccines given by STIHC - 2 doses - 1045 Total vaccines Neah Bay residents - 1 dose -933 Total vaccines Neah Bay residents - 2 doses - 876 Vaccines available at STIHC by requestPfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson available Call STIHC with questions Makah EOC UpdateSmall business applications for assistance are due Friday, 7/30 Apply for financial assistance (if you have not received the current payment) by 9/30/21 Call STIHC or Makah EOC if you have questions.
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Our Mission is to build positive, compassionate and effective partnerships with all STIHC patients, community members, guests and employees, and through these partnerships to provide excellent healthcare and wellness services.
Our Vision is that all members of the Makah Nation and the community of Neah Bay are healthy and thriving in wellness.
Our Vision is that all members of the Makah Nation and the community of Neah Bay are healthy and thriving in wellness.